"Digital Adventure" Education platform

Currently, there are 143 educational interactive contents 90 audio lessons available for preschool and primary education. Looking ahead, there is a need to create an additional 700 interactive contents aligned with the learning objectives of preschool and primary education.

Within the framework of the “Digital Adventure” project, the activities will be implemented according to the following structure outlined below to create a comprehensive educational platform.

Smart Solution

Utilizing globally employed innovative technological solutions, we aim to create an online learning platform up to international standards. This platform is designed to ensure quality education and access for children, tailored to their interests, age, and mentality.

An ambitious goal has been set to establish a comprehensive online educational platform. This platform will grant students the flexibility to explore their preferred subjects through games at their convenience, reinforcing their knowledge. Additionally, it will provide opportunities for children to engage in communication, collaborative play, and shared learning experiences. On the other hand, with the assistance of artificial intelligence, the platform will monitor, correct, and support the students’ learning processes while encouraging the active involvement of parents and guardians.

The educational platform will not only cover learning objectives but also encompass innovative topics and content to support children’s cognitive ability and development.

Additionally, to motivate and encourage children to study, opportunities to win badges or trophies at certain stages, along with reminders for study times and which subjects should receive more attention, will be delivered in the form of notifications.

Through the implementation of this project, a comprehensive online platform will be created. This platform will encompass the curriculum and be based on artificial intelligence, tailored to cater to children’s interests and activities.


The creation of the “Digital Adventure” educational platform will be spearheaded by dedicated research and development teams, encompassing various crucial aspects:




    Building on the achievements and successes of similar products and technologies at the international level, the Research Team will collect data related to content processing and training artificial intelligence (AI) that is suitable for children’s age, thinking, knowledge, and intellectual development. Subsequently, the team will process and draw conclusions from the collected data. The responsibility for this work will be entrusted to research institutions with more than 5 years of experience.


    The Educational Methodology Team, comprised of experienced educators, methodologists, and researchers, will collaborate closely with the development teams. Their role is to formulate teaching methods based on the findings of the research team and the learning objectives outlined in the core curriculum for preschool and primary education. These methods are designed to be finely tuned, accommodating the individual characteristics, pace, and abilities of each child.


    Leveraging research data, information, and ongoing student progress and accomplishments, the AI development team will propose an AI-driven curriculum finely tuned to each child’s individual learning pace and aptitude. For the task of AI training, Chimege LLC, with over two decades of experience in the field of artificial intelligence and renowned for introducing the Chimege app powered by artificial intelligence, stands well- prepared and capable to undertake this role.


    The Software Development Team bears the responsibility of creating an educational platform that adheres to international standards, complete with an AI-powered virtual environment encompassing web and application. For instance, the platform is designed to operate in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The platform developer will employ the latest technology to craft the programming, customizing it to match the capabilities of children at various age levels, all in line with international standards for this type of platform. This task will be entrusted to a Mongolian company with over five years of experience in the field, capable of comprehensively developing the platform.


    The Content Development Team will collaborate with educators, methodologists, and artists to create content aligned with the learning objectives for children. This encompasses a diverse array of content types, including animations, audio books, digital books, interactive games, and engaging exercises. Within the scope of this project, an additional 700 interactive contents for preschool and primary education need to be created. Companies such as Marchaakhai LLC, Mongol Content LLC, and Nomadic Bear Games LLC have demonstrated their capacity to produce content for the ‘Digital Adventure’ platform. These companies have accumulated valuable experience by creating 90 audio lessons and 184 interactive contents for the ‘Digital Adventure’ project, commissioned by UNICEF.


The “Digital Adventure” platform will have the following users:

    • Students
    • Teachers
    • Parents And Guardians


Students will have access to the platform by registering their personal information with the assistance of a parent or guardian. This registration grants them the privilege to log in and explore, engage with, consume content that supports their personal development and knowledge enhancement, and also provides an opportunity to track progress and achievements, receive rewards, and to compare one’s progress with others.


Teachers will log in to the platform using their own credentials, which will enable them to access and retrieve their students’ assignments and data. This functionality allows teachers to provide content that supports each child’s learning and to develop methods aimed at enhancing the learning process.

Parents And Guardians

The guardian section is designed with the objective of monitoring a child’s usage of content. It provides statistical insights into a child’s learning progress and abilities. Additionally, it offers support for and enhancement of a child’s learning capabilities by sharing information and recommendations with guardians. For instance, parents and guardians can track the content their child views, the exercises they complete, the time spent on educational activities, and their overall performance.

