A collaborative effort funded by the United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund and supported by organizations including the United Nations Children’s Fund Mongolia (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES), along with the dedicated involvement of the Institute of Teacher’s Professional Development and Mongol Content LLC, resulted in the development of a 63 interactive contents for preschool and primary education.


Marchaakhai LLC and the Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research have partnered to create 30 audio lessons named “Knowledge Wave.” This initiative was funded by the United Nations Multi- Partner Trust Fund, and supported by UNICEF Mongolia and the MoES.


Marchaakhai LLC in collaboration with the Institute of Teacher’s Professional Development, and Nomadic Bear Games LLC, a game development company, created 60 interactive educational contents designed for preschool and primary education. This endeavor was supported by the Luxembourg Foundation and in close collaboration with UNICEF Mongolia and MoES.


With the support of UNICEF Mongolia and MoES, Mongol
Content LLC undertook the development of 60 audio lessons within the framework of the “Knowledge Wave” project.


Marchaakhai LLC in collaboration with Nomadic Bear Games LLC created the “Nomadic Adventure” Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure (HOPA) game with the support of the Luxembourg Foundation and in close partnership with UNICEF Mongolia and MoES.


With the support of UNICEF Mongolia and MoES, Marchaakhai LLC created 20 interactive contents for preschool and primary education.
